Nov 30, 2023
Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.
To succeed as an inventor - your product must be compelling. Having a good product is not enough.
A product must be compelling, or consumers won't buy it.
Learn the definition of a compelling product and the three key benefits you'll gain from having a competitive...
Nov 27, 2023
Alan interviews Chris Cohen.
Chris Cohen loved playing baseball. But wanted to improve his grip on the bat.
He bought a thumb guard - but found it didn't work well.
So, he invented his own thumb guard to provide a conforming, secure grip to the bat. In 2023, he's launching his new thumb guard invention into the...
Nov 23, 2023
Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.
Inventors often buy into myths that sound good - but can cost them years of time and thousands of dollars in missteps.
One myth is that you can make a lot of money - if you can just find the right contact. Learn the other two myths and how to steer clear of all 3 inventor...
Nov 20, 2023
Alan interviews Julieta Hughes.
Julieta Hughes found a love for art at age 3 when chicken pox kept her home.
As an artist, she found properly proportioning portraits difficult, so she invented the solution: the Face Mapper.
Today artists use Face Mapper to align the key facial features for a perfect portrait every...
Nov 16, 2023
Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.
How can an uber-busy person find time for their invention?
It simply requires daily discipline and dedication.
Devote just1 hour per day to your invention and you will make real progress - despite your busy schedule. Learn practical tips to optimize time for your...