Sep 28, 2023
Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.
Are you a classic organizer or a classic creative? If you're an inventor, likely you are a classic creative.
Classic creatives have too many ideas and they focus on creating more.
To become a successful inventor, pick your best idea and build some processes around developing...
Sep 25, 2023
Alan interviews Evelyn Wilson.
Evelyn Wilson grew up in Philadelphia and has been a nurse for over 30 years.
One morning, taking her grandson to school, her nose was running, and she was "blowing and throwing" dirty tissues into the passenger seat.
She cleaned it up when she got home and spotted an opportunity for a new...
Sep 21, 2023
Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.
There's never been a better time than right now - to be an inventor.
Too many inventors don't realize this - and instead of inventing products - they invent excuses that hold them back.
We make time in our lives for priorities. Is inventing a priority? Then make time for...
Sep 18, 2023
Alan provides a new Me on the Mike episode.
Alan shares 3 tips that can keep you in the "invention game" whenever you get discouraged.
Having a larger purpose than making money can be a game changer during those tough days.
Learn why low-cost consumer products are great and why you can't be a lone wolf if you wish to...
Sep 14, 2023
Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.
Ideas are like cotton candy - often there is a lot of fluff and not much stuff.
You may have a notebook full of ideas. But have you developed any of them into products?
Alan provides 3 objective questions you can use to winnow your list - keeping just a few potential...