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Inventors Helping Inventors

Jan 30, 2023

Alan interviews Marj Weir.

As a realtor, it perplexed Marj why beautiful homes - often featured glaring, ugly lights in the bathroom.

She longed for a better way. So, she invented EZLightWraps - to beautify and soften bathroom lighting.

Today, her EZLightWraps beautify American home lighting - one bathroom at a...

Jan 26, 2023

Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.

What is the 'inventor's greatest fear?' Probably, it's that someone will knock off your invention and sell more than you do.

Alan shares tested tools for dealing effectively with fear to keep it from stopping you in your tracks. Also, tactics to deal with knockoffs.

Be sure...

Jan 23, 2023

Alan interviews Allan Shaw.

During a family picnic, Allan Shaw was frustrated when the wind blew his paper towel dispenser onto the ground.

He knew there must be a better way. So, he invented Clip N Rip - a simple device to clamp the dispenser firmly to any surface.

Allan and his son, now sell Clip N Rips all over the...

Jan 19, 2023

Alan provides a new Thursday Thought episode.

If there is a 'mountain' between where you are in your journey - to get to your next step? What do you do?

Do you 'climb the mountain' or 'take the pass' to get there?

Many inventors choose to take the mountain when they might pay someone to help them get there faster.


Jan 16, 2023

Alan interviews Eli Packouz.

Eli Packouz began creating and selling products at age 21 with his brother. He noticed that flossing did not remove bits of mangoes from his teeth.

So, he invented a better floss device - Instafloss. With $2.5 million in presales via crowd funding, Instafloss is poised to launch in Q1 of...